The grey skies seem to have lifted above China as shortly after the Chinese Spring Festival holiday, the China Ops team received a notification from a customer for an outage in Baochang which was to begin at the end of February.

The grey skies seem to have lifted above China as shortly after the Chinese Spring Festival holiday, the China Ops team received a notification from a customer for an outage in Baochang which was to begin at the end of February.
As the global COVID-19 pandemic continues to impact hundreds of countries, dedicated employees of GE Gas Power and FieldCore, Gas Power’s field services arm, mobilized to ensure reliable power for residents and industries in Northwest England.
As the effect of COVID-19 continues to be felt across the world, FieldCore’s field engineers (FEs) in the Middle East are showing their true spirit and fighting back with resilience to counter challenges the virus might throw their way.
Sam Jung was recently named as one of FieldCore’s first Chief Technical Field Advisors in...
Nava Nakorn Electricity Generating Company (NNEG), now known as the Nonthaburi - RATCH Group...
Livia Silva always knew her life would take her down the road of engineering. Her father, a Field...